Do we hydrate through our skin?

Everyone has told me that we do not consume water through our skin.But,when I’m in a swimming pool,I’m never thirsty.And we all know we get thirsty because we have a neccesety for water.How come when I’m on a beach,I go in the water from time to time,I never have to drink water.

Answer #1

We do indeed hydrate slightly through our skin, but not in enough amounts to actually make you hydrated. There could be some more science behind your story, but as I see it, it’s just a coincidence.

Answer #2

Being at the pool from 10:00am till 4:00pm ..and never thirsty… just sayin’

Answer #3


Answer #4

Simple enaugh ;)

Answer #5

No. Your skin is designed to keep things out. I would imagine you need to drink less because being in the water means you do not lose as much fluid through perspiration

Answer #6

The skin is permeable like a cell membrane. If not, then there would be no actual use for moisturizers and hand lotions other than making the skin smell good.

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