Human being

Am hellen from kenya and I would like to know why peolpe like judging others wheres themselves make mistakes which are even worse

Answer #1

Because for most it is easier to point out other’s faults instead of looking in the mirror and taking on there own.

Answer #2

Judging other’s is something that some people don’t even do on purpose.

I’ve made bigger mistakes than anyone I know (drug addict, homeless, criminal record, cheating, alcohol abuse, etc), and I try my best never to judge anyone by their mistakes, because I have been there and I know how it felt. Although, that being said - I can understand why someone would judge them, because things like that are hard to look past and ignore.

Answer #3

It’s common for many to make a judgement before or not knowing the multi-factors involved - something we all have to guard against…Take care !!

Answer #4

I find that people can be very critical, but mostly online wher they can remain anonymous, but its quite natural since everyone has flaws and would rather focus on other peoples problems than dwelling on ther own, thanks.

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