How will hair dye effect my hair?

okay, so if I were to dye my hair, when it washed out would my hair go back to its natural color? natural highlights and everything? and which hair dye would be best for my hair with little or no damaging? thanks :)

Answer #1

Depends on the hair dye you got. You can get permanent or like a semi permanent hair dye. I heard that showering in colder water helps keep hair dye in longer or when you do dye your hair you can get a color protection shampoo and conditioner to help prevent it from fading. I think your hair would only get really damaged if you dyed your hair too much. I don’t know about the best hair dye though to be honest. I’ve only dyed my hair once before but I suggest you look up about the different brands of hair dye like Loreal or Herbal Essences and see which brands got the best reviews and see if that does anything. I think it also depends on what color you want to dye your hair. Hope this was helpful to you some

Answer #2

it depends but no matter what there will be damage. But it depends on how much. IF your going lighter then the damage will be more. if your going darker it still depends. try it and what happens. happens.

Answer #3

lol thanks guys :) Although my mom just told me yesterday that I couldn’t, no real reason why, just a “because I said so” I think she still thinks I’m in elementary school…which would explain why I’m in high school and I still can’t date :/ lol

Answer #4

Ha! I dyed my hair orange 3 times, purple 1 time, red 4 times, pink 2 times, fushia 3 times, brown 1 time and my hair was never damaged! I didn’t dye it all at once I dyed it over my whole life starting at 9 or 10. I use loreal or punky color if I can.

Answer #5

If you have never or hardly dyed your hair, then you’ll be fine. Just use the conditioner after you dye it (it comes with the box) Use L’Oreal, they are really good :)

Answer #6

it depends on your hair type if you leave dye in for to long it will fall out and you’ll have a bald spot…I will laugh at you. If you constantly dye you hair, your natrual hair color will darken. If you don’t take care of dyed hair it will fade. Swimming pools and shower water with chemicals in it can effect your dyed hair and might cause it to wash out or turn green. I strongly suggest going to a hair salon, they will answer your questions for free.

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