How to talk to the President of my Church?

I would like to know how I could ask my Branch President of the Church of Jeezus Christ of Latter Day Saints my personal problems such as relationships? I’ve been keeping my personal life inside me without telling him. I’ve been talking to different men who arn’t members of the church, and, I know it’s wrong to have premarrital sex. I’m really roleplaying over the phone. I also would like to know if its wrong? If so, how should I tell my branch President without being excommunicated from the church?

Answer #1

Church president? that’s a new one on me. . . . Where is that office mentioned in the Bible? Don’t woory about mentioning all that stuff just ask for the prayers of the church and say you’ve me struggling with life.

Answer #2

Goodgirl, if Jesus were standing watching your actions, how would you feel? Would you then consider it wrong, what you are doing? If so, then, be assured that he does know, even if he is not standing in the room, and he is the one you need to be worried about. Talk to him about it, he says that if we confess our sins, he will forgive us, and he can also deliver you from the temptation that is bothing you, then you can have a clear conscience. God be with you…

Answer #3

I to am a part of the LDS church…and if you just confess all of your sins to heavenly father in prayer and ask for strength to repent of your sins…and yes premerital sex is a very seriouse sin, you need schedule an appointment to talk with your church leader, and do not worry at all he can help you and will keep every thin you will say confidential and will be very nice and understanding about it and once you do all that you will be forgiven by the lord and he will remember you sins no more, you can make your life good again and you will be able to feel the spirit with you.

Ps. you can ask me for any kind of religiose advice, I can be very helpful!

Answer #4

Talk to your bishop, and really pray about it. It take a true change of heart!

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