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How to sing good
I have no idea If I sing good All I have is a sis who almost hates everything But I really want to know how I sing and if so I want to know how to improve in it? I’m 13 by the way and my parent probably think it is just a phase. But it’s not.
I’m usually singing with choir teacher in middle school just trying out stuff like a play that we do
I know, thats why I put the little “ “ marks around it lol
also, dont try to alter your voice! And Keep your “addams apple” low. Dont strain for notes!
You dont learn to sing, you just do, you get better by doing it, so if you keep doing it, you’ll get better
also its well not good, sorry im a grammar freak
singing has to come to you hun, you cant really learn it its something your born with, but vocal training can help shape your voice to a certain point. just play around sing scales, go as low and as high as you can, and NEVER SMOKE, deadly to your voice
lol I know not to smoke >_<
I’m at THAT age so It’s really hard to see how It’s going to turn out
lmao I’m a guy XD
girls dont have adams apples, lol
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