How to sing good

I have no idea If I sing good All I have is a sis who almost hates everything But I really want to know how I sing and if so I want to know how to improve in it? I’m 13 by the way and my parent probably think it is just a phase. But it’s not.

I’m usually singing with choir teacher in middle school just trying out stuff like a play that we do

Answer #1

I know, thats why I put the little “ “ marks around it lol

Answer #2

also, dont try to alter your voice! And Keep your “addams apple” low. Dont strain for notes!

Answer #3

You dont learn to sing, you just do, you get better by doing it, so if you keep doing it, you’ll get better

Answer #4

also its well not good, sorry im a grammar freak

Answer #5

singing has to come to you hun, you cant really learn it its something your born with, but vocal training can help shape your voice to a certain point. just play around sing scales, go as low and as high as you can, and NEVER SMOKE, deadly to your voice

Answer #6

lol I know not to smoke >_<

I’m at THAT age so It’s really hard to see how It’s going to turn out

Answer #7

lmao I’m a guy XD

Answer #8

girls dont have adams apples, lol

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