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How to persuade my mother to let me to do lip piercing?
I really want to do it… But my mom doesn’t let.
I convinced my mom took nearly a year but way worth it but I don’t know how too helpp
I doubt you can convince her. lip piercings aren’t all that great anyway.
well if you are 16 you don’t legally need consent.
but if not, maybe just try persuading her by saying like its piercing and it can come out, unlike a tattoo. etc.
How can I persuade my parents to let me get my lip pierced? - 2 Answers
I'm 16 and have 8 piercings, my mum doesn't mind them but my dads really strict about it all. My older brother is 18 and has ...
How) I want to get a piercing, but my mother won't let me..? - 2 Answers
I want to get a piercing, other than ears. I have my left ear pierced. I've had it since 7th grade. I got my cartilage pierce...
How do I persuade my Dad to let me get a lip ring? - 11 Answers
K, my dad won't let me get my lip pierced, even though I want it done really bad!! But he'll let me get my nose done... How s...
Should I let my ex pierce my lip if my Mom said no? - 10 Answers
well im 14 and I really want to get my lip pierced and my mom wont let me my ex tyler said he would do it for me he has snake...
How can I convince my mammy to let me get my lip pierced? - 3 Answers
I've wanted my lip pierced since the 6th grade. I'm now in 8th grade. She said maybe when I'm 16 and I'm turning 14 in Decemb...
How do I convince my dad to let me pierce my lip? - 7 Answers
So im 17 in a few months..and I wanna get my lip pierced...my mom doesnt really care that much but my dad says no...hes stubb...
Parents won't let me get another piercing. - 4 Answers
I really want to get another lip piercing so I have snake bites...but my parents won't let me. It dosen't make any sense bec...
Persuading Mum About Piercing! - 4 Answers
What are creative ways to persuade mum to let me get my belly button pierced? I am a 14 year old girl and I want to get my b...
Convincing my Mom for a lip piercing - 3 Answers
ok so if anyonereads this please answer within 4 hours because today I need to convince my mom to let me get my lip pierced a...
How to get your parents to go with lip piercings? - 3 Answers
Hey um I was on here the other day looking at lip piercing questions. Then the next day when we picked up my cousin to go to ...
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