How to make money fast kids?

How to make money fast kids?

Answer #1

Baby-sit or clean for someone

Answer #2

Ask your boss if they can give your son or daughter a odd job around your office. It happened with my daughter and she earned lots for what she wanted. And don’t take your kid’s money to keep. That’s just wrong.

Answer #3

babysit the neighbors kids or have your kids walk dogs what ever you decide make sure the have fun!!!

p.s. cleaning out attic/garage orhave a bake sale!!!1

Answer #4

Here is my list:

Teach swimming

Shovel Snow

Make Greeding Cards


Make Braclets & Sale Them



Walk Dogs

Clean House’s

Deliver Paper

Wash Cars

Rake Leaves

Mow Lawns

Yard sale

Recycle Bottles

I hope You all like it!

Answer #5

lemonaide stand! door to door mow the lawn.

Answer #6

go to dollar store buy food candy and more stuff and sell at school for more

Answer #7

here is my list

walk dogs yard sale wash cars mow lawns rake leaves carry groceries for the elderly sell candy sell old games play music for people wash dogs clean houses baby sit clean out cars pet sit

thank you I hpe you liked my ideas

Answer #8

Im 13 I live in the uk and I’ve started my own work at home buissness of computer building/repairs/upgrades and I earn a minimum of £500 every time someone wants me to build a pc for them

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