How to make a wish?

Im looking for as many ways to make a wish as possible because there’s something i want to happen and im hoping making the same wish in lots of ways will help me get to do it, so how can i make my wish come true?

Answer #1

I would suggest prayer, it works - if it’s His will for your life - just realize, the answer may not be no, just not yet…I wish you the best !!

Answer #2

um…i dont know about wishing but the best way to get something you want is to pray. it has always worked for me. just dont give up and go for it hard. good luck.

Answer #3

there are many books on this subject about the power of the mind, and you sortof visualise yourself doing something or getting something. each time you visualise it it should get clearer. You have to believe that it’s actually happening and tell yourself its happening. Eventually, life might give it to you, if your persistant. also, you can get a wish chip/crisp (the ones that are in the shape of tacos) and then smash it on your forhead and chew three times then swallow. (make a wish when you swallow) Good luck!

Answer #4

Dear becky_kirk43, How to make wishes come true…simple, I teach this all the time to my clients. The secret is to make the wish happen is to make it happen yourself. You see wanting something and making it happen are two different things. We can want all we want but that will not make it happen. It all depends on your wish…I wish for money, get a job, I wish for happiness, change your attitude, I wish for better grades, study harder. There is an old saying “no free lunches” that means we work for what we want and if we could just cross our fingers and wish for (whatever) everyone would be doing it. Examine what you are really wishing for and make it happen. Sue…good luck

Answer #5

Read the secret Its a book. It helps you make wishes and stuff, well its kinda like that.

Answer #6

the key is: to always follow your heart

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