How to make a watch band?

How to make a watch band?

Answer #1

you cut a piece of leather just a strip. Put in the strap pins first, then thread the leather strip (cut to exact width by use of a ruler - a stainless steel one is also great for a straight edge guide for the utility blade. Press hard for a clean cut) through the pins and then attach snaps… A buckle would require sewing and / or much more detailed instructions. Good luck and have fun ©

Answer #2

Save buckle from broken strap. Get a worn out leather shoe. Select best smoothest part of upper and exactly and carefully trace strap on to it-cut out with a craft knife. Use your ingenuity to attach buckle to new strap,and punch holes carefully in the other part. Pierce leather to accept spring bars at each end. attach to watch.Use-take care not to slice finger!!

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