How to ignore it

Its late Im tired I need to sleep But I can hear them fighting about stupid crap, and I cant seem to stop listening How do I shut it out and just go to sleep???

Answer #1

listen to music, not sad music or anything but something kinda like music you can dance to, turn it up, close your door so you dont hear anything. lay in bed and have your eyes closed.

Answer #2

I know this is gonna sound corny but sometimes it does work sing the barney song 2 urself till you fall asleep it’ll maake you happy 4 some odd reason…=)

Answer #3

put on your ipod or mp3 put volume up really loud and close your eyes. well, thats how I shutted it out.

Answer #4

turn on your radio or your tv

Answer #5

run in place and get really exhausted?

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