How to help rabbit?

So I need some advice on how to help my rabbit be more confident around people, I have had her about 2 weeks now and she is pregnant (found out after I brought her) the woman I brought her of kept her in a hutch with 3 other rabbits in a shed an they didnt get handled very much or even taken out the hutch, I know whilst shes pregnant she will be a bit grumpy but she runns and hids when ever I go near, she lives indoors and is confind to a pen when im not there and in the night the rest of the day she has the run of the house, I’ve tried offering treats but she wont take them, I can pet her but only if I corner her which I dont like doing so any ideas on how to help? Also what games can I play? Thanks

Answer #1

I have a bunny shes almost a first she was very timid but now shes a very social girl!and loves my yorkie altho I dont exactly trust them together.but im sure shell warm up to you shes probly grumpy because shes prego goodluck!

Answer #2

Yeah, dont corner her… Give her some time. It took my cat 2 years before she quit running away at every noise. 3 years before she would sit on my lap (still doesnt want to be picked up). Abused animals are skittish. Just give her time. Sometimes if you just sit and wait, they’ll come to you. Treats are good. Just leave it besides you in the beginning. You can slowly work up to get her up to taking it from your hand. I used to sing to one of the cats, it seemed to work. Still took 6 weeks before she came near me. Patience…

Answer #3

yeah, give it some time to “scan”the area

Answer #4

yes, I agree, give the animal some space, they need time to adabt to there surondings

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