How to get over this?

I’m super shy like all my 3 friends and its hard for me to express myself how do you get over shyness if there’s a way?

Answer #1

umm just gently start talking to a few people a time for a few minutes everyday and pretty soon you will just start to become friends and overcome your fears!

Answer #2

I’m 54 years old and was shy a large part of my life. I, finally, had to just say to myself ‘I don’t care what people think’ and you have to mean it. Sometimes it comes with time and sometimes it comes with things that happen in your life. Like, I found out I had Cancer in my late twenties. Suddenly, what people thought, was the last thing on my mind. Sometimes, it comes with time, like many things do unless we can find a way to change first. Hopefully, you won’t have to wait until something drastic happens.

Answer #3

Just go ahead and do what you feel I use to be a very shy person shouldn’t really care of what people think of you…

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