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How to get elvis clothes in gta san andreas?
How to get elvis clothes in gta san andreas?
I beat the entire game and still didnt get the elvis clothin…
You have to finish ALL storyline missions.
Good luck.
Put in the cheat…which game system is it 0n?
if playing the gtaSA in ps2 then you can’t get them if playing xbox then you still can’t get them how ever if playing pc version just google ‘gtaSA Elvis clothing mod’ you can only get them if you have the pc version and if you find the mod.
if playing the ps2 version you can’t get it because the ps2 version never supported the Elivs clothing,if playing the Xbox version you will have the same result as the ps2 version however if playing the pc version then you could always google ‘gtaSA pc Elvis clothing mods’ and I’m sure you’ll get some results,so in other words the only way you could get the Elvis clothing is is you buy and\or own the pc version of grand theft auto San Andreas and download\install the Elvis clothing mod.
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