How to flirt?

I know this is a really stupid question but I honestly can’t flirt. Like what do I say or do? I recently asked a question asking how I can tell this guy how I feel and I got an answer saying flirt with him and if he flirts back then he likes me too. So this is my question. How do I flirt with him? And if he flirts back, what type of stuff will he be saying/doing? Thanks in advance, please dont leave comments saying how stupid I am because I already know :/

Answer #1

Well, my motto is; Fake it till you make it.:)

Act confident, smile at him, that sort of stuff. Most importantly though, you have to be yourself, guys don’t like chicks that are superficial and fake.

As you flirt more, it becomes more andmore natural until you don’t really realise you’re doing it. lol

Hope I helped :)

Answer #2

I ve never reduced down to flirting! you do that to make him *orny . be yurself, boys like honest girls. :] anyhoo, be friends to him until your ALONE WITH HIM <3 start to lean on him and if he doesn’t move or recoils, then slide yur hand to his and hold it if he wants more, go for it!!! this applies to boys too JUST DON’T MAKE HIM UNCOMFORTABLE … LoL seeya!

Answer #3

First of all, why are you calling yourself a name that you have done nothing to deserve? Have confidence in yourself please.

Now, flirting has to come to you naturally and it will become easier as you gain experience. Really, trying to plan out what he is going to say, how you will respond and so on is a waste of time.

Here are a few tips though. Use the basics- smile at him, brush his hand gently (this doesn’t work for all girls), stay close to him and other such actions. Make sure though to stick with what is comfortable for you. He may does those things of course, or something different. Perhaps he will put his arm around your shoulders or back-there’s really no way to know for sure. Just relax, be natural and have fun! Your personality has to shine through!

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