How to clean marijuana pipes?

How to clean marijuana pipes?

Answer #1

if ya wanna smoke the rez, i found that dentist tools used for cleaning plaque are key! also, i never had a pipe break by boiling it.. do it all the time : )

Answer #2’s a dry sort of powder found in the cleaning supply aisle. put a couple tablespoons in a large cup of warm water, stir it around, drop in the pipe, let it sit for a few hours..and rinse thoroughly. repeat if necessary, use q-tips if necessary. works like a charm. don’t try boiling your pipes unless u want to run the risk of breaking them!

Answer #3

use common rubbing alchol it loosens all the resins and evaporates. last resin ball I pulled out of my pipe weighed 7.5 grams of smokable resin. thank you rubbing alchol

Answer #4

a great product and way to clean your pipe!

Answer #5

I would bring it to a hospital and ask the first security guard you see to put it in an autoclave for you.

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