How to avoid being pregnant?

After one day of sex,u don’t want baby,den wt shuld do to avoid being pregnant?

Answer #1

You could start by growing up - if you aren’t going to have sex responsibly then don’t have sex at all. Go get the morning after pill.

Answer #2

you have to deal with the consequences of your actions. that’s the responsible thing to do. I was 15 when I had my 14 month old. no. I didn’t want a baby. but I had sex and created a baby. yes. it would’ve been easier to have an abortion. but my child didn’t ask to be there. and I did the right thing. just next time be smart. if your young. don’t grow up until you have to. being a teenager is supposed to be fun. this is your time to be selfish. sex is great but don’t abuse it. do it right. be smart. get bc. you can get it free and easy and it’s secret

Answer #3

If it’s been less than 72 hours, get the morning after pill. You can get it at any pharmacy.

If it’s been longer than that, there’s nothing you can do but to wait and see if you are pregnant. If you are, consider getting an abortion asap, the longer you wait the harder it is.

Next time use your head and protection my dear.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice