how should I figure this out?

okay, so I took some peoples advice and I broke up with the guy who was cheating, and got with the other guy Carter. I positivly LOOOVE him he is such a sweetheart. but there is one problem you know like I said I love him a lot, but I dont know if our relationship good enough to have sex. but, I really love him, and he totally loves me. PLEEEZZZ HELP!!!

Answer #1

sex and love can be seperated into 2 different things in some cases either sex is just by itself for self satisfaction and love is the emotional side. A solid relationship should consider sex as an act of passion and emotion. You say you love him very much as he to loves you the same but your relationship is not good enough? love shouldn’t be taken lightly its a strong meaning word that 2 people want to be together more than anything..if you do not think that your relationship is good enough to have sex why not build on it? try and create it further tightening the bond between you and possibly strenghten it and then you may re-consider the idea of sex with him. there is always room for imporvement in a relationship and if you love him as much as you say you do you should be willing to try and bring you together further where you will feel comfortable that you can have sex with him.

good luck

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