How much sadder can this be?

Up untill now I was concerned with my issues concerning if my boyfriend would ever confess his true feelings in a language that I could understand. Now today it’s a different problem that could destroy whatever feelings he does have. My boyfriend is a 45 year old black man that has never been married and doesn’t believe in a lot of emotional stuff. (I don’t know where to start). My mother is in the nursing home…that’s another horrible story…today my boyfriend and I went to see her…he goes quite a bit so this wasn’t his first time. Today is the first time that my older brother has saw my boyfriend and he told me that I couldn’t bring him there because no one in the family wanted to see us together. My boyfriend is a very desent and proper man so being that he nodded and walked out of the room. I must say that had something jumped off my boyfriend is more than capable of taking care of himself. I wasn’t so much as shocked as I was embarressed. Idiotic people! Now my boyfriend and I are alittle distant or so it seems to me anyway. His last girlfriend of 5 years said she just woke up one morning and decided that he wasn’t the right color anymore. Her family had been riding her about it. I’m not sure if that is the real reason…I kinda’ doubt it but it’s almost like “here we go again!” My family doesn’t influence me anyway nor do they have anything to do with me. I have a mixed grandson that is 2 so I knew how they would be before I came out about my boyfriend. They don’t acknowledge my grandson either. How sadder can that be?

Answer #1

Its only sad if you say it is. Everyone knows that there are people in this world that will be on your side and others that will go against you, but its your choice who to side on. You have to understand that its not their battle, its yours and if your brother doesnt like him, then thats on him. This doesn’t mean you should back off just because they tell you to. Follow your heart, follow what you think is right. Don’t let others rule your life. You need some fun to you know.

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