How much longer can the massive spending and debt expansion go on in America?

America: How much longer can this massive spending and huge debt expansion, now in Trillions, go on ?

Answer #1

Obama makes Bush look like a spendthrift.


Answer #2

This is what happens when you invite a community organizer into the white house. It is called Sudden Wealth Syndrom, the problem is the wealth does not belong to him. He promised no ear mark’s but what do you expect? They called Bush a puppet for Chenny, but we can call Obama a puppet for Pelosi. Did you hear his speech to the college? I would be really ticked if he had said that to my son or myself at college. We dont go to college to live in poverty, we got to college to get out of poverty.

Answer #3

It can go on for as long as people accept the US dollar.

Answer #4

Hmm, I’m not sure. We’ll probably have to put up with massive spending till it stops whenever that’ll be.

Answer #5

Reagan got eight years to increase spending & add to our debt…so did Bush junior.

I say we give this guy the same length of time to mess things up, then see where we are at.

Answer #6

Reagan’s spending was 100 billion to 200 billion, not 10 trillion. That’s what we are looking at in Obama’s spending over the next 8 years. The two don’t even compare. Obama has spent more in his first 4 months than Bush Jr. spent in 8 years fighting 2 wars and dealing with Katrina. No comparison, Obama is going to break this country. His stimulas plan isn’t working because since he has been in office 2.5 million more people have become unemployed. Inflation is up as reported today. You can’t just print money because you have the printing presses to do so. We need to get back to our money being backed by the gold and silver standard.

Answer #7

“Obama makes Bush look like a spendthrift.”

Obama makes bush look like a crook. He is not pissing the money down a black hole called Iraq, tax cuts for the superwhealthy, and non-bid contracts for his buddies. Obama is spending the money here in the US and at least attempting to get it to the places it is most needed. Job creation, and infrastructure.

tseirpeht and cancersurvivor, the two of you are clueless. We had to put up with 28 years of reaganomics, and it has led to state of affairs today. We all know that you wingnuts will disagree with anything Obama does, but he is the president, so we will just have to wait and see what happens. You are doing nothing but making predictions that he will fail. What we know about reagan and both bush’s policies is that they created the largest deficits in history with nothing to show for it. They were policies which directly led to the rich getting richer, a shrinking of the middle class, and a surge in the ranks of the poor.

Either step aside and let the grownups handle things, or shut up.

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