How long have you been going out with your girlfriend / boyfriend?

This might sound weird but I met my girlfriend in grade 2 and thats when we started going out. We’re in grade 12 now and still in love :)

So how long have you been going out with your girlfriend / boyfriend?

Answer #1

I’ve been with my fiance for 1 year and 7 months.

Answer #2

awww that’s sooo cute! I’ve been going out with my boyfriend for over 6 months. Love him to death. Thing is, I’m almost 19 and he’s my first boyfriend ever…that’s kinda lame compared to other people.

Answer #3

I’ve been with my boyfriend for 7 months and 5 days. my fiurst boyfriend ever too && I love him!! :D

by the way dude, congrats!

Answer #4

A year and two months. (:

Answer #5

I’ve been with my boyfriend for a year. and very much in love=]

Answer #6

4 years and 1 day :)

Answer #7

A year and two months. (:

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