How long do I have to smoke until I get cancer from it?

Answer #1

No smoker knows which smoke gave them the cancer… There is no time frame, and not everyone gets cancer, but try and remember cancer isnt your only worry, smoking causes a lot of things including emphysema, COPD, heart diseases etc… Also you dont know how you’re hurting others through passive smoking…

Answer #2

There is no actual time frame, the smoke actually mutates the cells in your lungs faster into cancer, so the first puff you take starts this process, the more you smoke the faster the process becomes until its large enough to call it “cancer”…

You should smoke anyways it slows you down its horrible and a horrible thing to start…

Answer #3

It is impossible to say whether or not you will develop Cancer - however, smoking definitely increases the odds, you will…Take care !!

Answer #4

you never know when cancer will strike your body… but I do know someone that developed throat cancer within 11 years… I think it was!! if I were you I’d take “ithnku8mysock” advice!! just to be on the safe side!!

Answer #5

there no sure thing my grandma smoked from 15 then died becuse of it when she was 68 but on the other hand you may not even get lung damage at all my freinds grandfather smoked from when he was like 12 or somthing and went to a doctor not to long ago and he asked the doctor to look at his lungs and he said they looked like a non smokers lungs so it could go eather way but anyway still dont smoke its a relly bad habbit

oh I smoke stogies to

Answer #6

no one knows. people who don’t smoke get cancer…whereas some people smoke a ton their whole life and never get it!

Answer #7

well not to long because lots of people dont live past 50 if there lucky when they smoke any rejections homes

Answer #8


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