how does any of this affect a person's sexuality?

what influences a person on being gay or straight? if a person grows up in a certain environment, would it affect their orientation? or is it absolutely in DNA and about as changeable as someone’s physical appearance (without surgery)? before the idea of straight and gay ever was invented, did people just do what they wanted to? like before we were smart enough to know about god and how he doesn’t like that, were there gay people then? just answer your opinion, any questions you want to. I have hundreds of them I just posted a few =)

Answer #1

woah I dont want to start a gay-or-god war here! settle down people =) lol thankyou guys.

Answer #2

wow that’s really in-depth thankyou! =)

Answer #3

First of all, enviroment is nothing. in instances where children had gender switched due to birth defects of the genetalia. While these males were raised as girls, they actually grew to like girls like normal males.

DNA passed down through certain modes of inheritance can influence traits such as what is known as the “boy crazy gene”. females with this really like men, and males with this end up liking men also. It is also noteworthy that there is a “big-brother effect” where the probability of a child being gay increases with each child born previously. This DNA cannot truly be changed, since all of the trillions of cells in your body carry the same genetic information..unless you were to use gene therapy, but in the case of sexuality, that is impossible to change in that manner.

Before “gay/straight” labels, people did infact do as they wished. This is evident in seeing that some animals are actually gay (yes! experiments with rats show that some mate with the same gender!!). And this of course would also apply to humans. In ancient societies, sexual preference was seen as something that was not even notable (similar to how one prefers one sport over another today).

I’ve thought about a lot of this sort of stuff too..message me if you never need to ask anything.

Answer #4
  1. if a person grows up in a certain environment, would it affect their orientation?

It would affect their openness to ideas about what is ‘’normal’’ and ‘’abnormal’’ with regards to human sexuality, but your sexual orientation has been pretty conclusively proven to be hard-wired into your brain.

  1. or is it absolutely in DNA and about as changeable as someone’s physical appearance (without surgery)?

There are two things we need to define here. One is sexuality (for lack of a better term), the other is sexual orientation. Your sexual orientation determines which gender you are physically attracted to, who you tend to feel a romantic connection towards. Your sexuality determines who you want to have sex with. A sorority girl on spring break will have sex with just about anything if enough tequila is involved, but that does not mean she is bisexual. Being very sexual and being bisexual are two different things.

  1. before the idea of straight and gay ever was invented, did people just do what they wanted to?

Gay and straight were not invented any more than hands and feet were invented. Sexual orientation is a part of the physical architecture of the brain. It may not have had a name, but it was always there.

  1. like before we were smart enough to know about god and how he doesn’t like that, were there gay people then?

There were gay people then. Homosexuality has been documented in virtually every corner of the animal kingdom, from flies to giraffes to swans to chimps to dolphins. It is as natural as any other aspect of life. Some would say that it is an aberration, a mistake, that all animals were MEANT to be heterosexual, but something went wrong in development. That’s why there are so few. If that’s the case, redheads are abnormal as well. Even more so, because gays represent 10% of the population while redheads are only 4%.

Answer #5

I agree with mikeh except for on the answer to numberr four I think that being gay is a result of a mutation in the DNA sequencing. one of the reasons we (and all other organisms) are alive is so that we can reproduce. if someone is homosexual its kinda hard to do that

Answer #6

one of the reasons we (and all other organisms) are alive is so that we can reproduce. if someone is homosexual its kinda hard to do that

You can’t prove that’s the reason we’re here. Nobody can. That’s why the question “What is the meaning of life?” is so infamous for being virtually unanswerable. Athiests and theists can debate about whether or not there is a God all day, but none can answer why it is exactly that we exist.

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