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How do you take care of a baby Capuchin Monkey
How do you take care of a baby Capuchin Monkey
First this is a dumb Idea to own a Monkey, second you need a permit, and these types of pets can turn on you at anytime,
Technically speaking, depending on which state you live in do you need permits. If I was you I would check the laws of your state or your local conservation center. Yes they can turn on you but if raised correctly than you won’t have a problem. They do tend to need a lot of work and attention but in the long run its worth it. To raise a monkey correctly you need patience, love, and the correct information. So before considering buying a monkey do your research and know what your getting yourself into
: ) Janedoe
Technically speaking, depending on which state you live in do you need a permit. If I was you I would ask your local conservation department. Yes they can turn on you, but that’s if you don’t treat them with respect and love. They are very smart and intelligent, they do require a lot of work but pays off in the long run. If raised right the monkey will be nice and live for a happy full life.
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