How do you steam your face?

How exactly do you steam your face? And what does it do to your face?

Answer #1

Some info:

Facial home steam:

  1. Place a handful of herbs in a pot of water. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 5-10 minutes, adding water as needed.
  2. Secure your hair back from your face.
  3. Wash your face as usual.
  4. Place the pot with the steaming water on a trivet or potholder on a table or countertop. Make a tent over your head with a towel, and hang your head over the steaming pot. Make sure not to lean close enough to the steam to scald yourself.
  5. Keep your face in the steam tent for about 5 minutes.
  6. Rinse your face with cool water.}
  7. Follow with an astringent (for example, witch hazel) to close the pores
Answer #2

^ I’ve never heard anything about using the herbs… but steaming the face is done to open up your pores you get a pot, big bowl, or container, fill it with hot water, put your face above the water and put a towel over your head to the steam doent escape, that will open up your pores and opened pores are a lot easier to clean so after you do that is an ideal time yto use a face mask! but dont use boiling water, or heat it over the stove…hot water will do fine but boiling water can damage your skin also only stay above the water for as long as you can (no more than about 10-15mins though!)

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