How do you get rid of ingrown hair?

I have an ingrown hair…atleast I think I do. Its a red bump kind of like a pimple but I know its not, and it bleeds when I tried to get the hair out. What do I do? How do I get it out?

Answer #1

well first if it is an ingrown hair then it will look like a pimple and it will even have a little bit of puss in it (ewie). Then you have to pop it and it will hurt but its what you gotta do. Then the little hair should be sticking out. you then have to pluck it out. I suggest to use tweezers way easier!! Then put antibacterial cream on it if you have it cause that will keep it clean while it heals. I get the all the time and they are a massive pain. I agree with fruitylicious, laser and waxing… even though I am so not game ;)

Answer #2

Ingrown hair is one of the reasons girls should never shave. Wax strips or laser are girls’ new best friend. :)

To remove ingrown hair, exfoliate and scrub the area gently but firmly until the hair pops out and then use a tweezer to pluck the hair out. If you cannot live without your shaver, make sure you shave your legs or pubic region as per the direction of the hair growth. That is, if your hair is facing downwards, aim your shaver downwards and vice verse. This shaving action will eliminate and reduce ingrown hair.

Answer #3

I’ve always used sanatized tweezers and kinda dug untill I got it out then put neosporin on after I got it.

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