How do you find the area of a circle?


Answer #1

these answers are wrong ^ its: pie are squared

Answer #2

3.14r^2 = Pie are Squared

3.14 = Pie

R = Are

2^ = Squared

Answer #3

A = 3.14r^2

Let say the radius(half of a circle) of a circle is 3feet.

You take 3.14 times the Radius (3feet) to the second power.

The radius (3feet) to the second power is 9. (3ft.x3ft.=9ft.)

9ft. x 3.14 is 28.26

The area of the circle is 28.26

Answer #4

Sadprincess, what he said above IS pie are squared.

Answer #5

Sounds hard but it isn’t. just take half of the circle or radius and times it by its self and then times it by 3.14.

3 x 3 x 3.14 = 28.26

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