How do you become an advisor.?

Do you just have to answer a lot of questions well.?

Answer #1

How do I become an advisor?

You can become an advisor by first providing highly rated and clear answers. Contact us with a few of the answers you’ve provided and we’ll consider upgrading your account to advisor status.

Answer #2

stephanie1987, I just want to add that it’s not that you, automatically, get promoted when you’ve, either, been ranked highly by other users or have provided great answers.

It is the choice of that person . Although you can write in and ask to be an Advisor.

I have 720 answers and I’m sure I have, either, been ranked highly or have had great answers, but I choose not to be an advisor right now.

Obviously, I enjoy helping others, but I am not in a position to know, for sure, whether I can devote all the time that I would want to devote so I choose not to be an advisor, though that may change in the near future.

Thnx katwoman =^u^=

Answer #3

Advisors are the official voice of funadvice, and are users just like you and me. Users get promoted to advisors when they’ve either been ranked highly by other users, or have just provided great answers.

Answer #4

Click on ‘Advisors’ (above).You will find the info on the left side of the page.

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