How to trust a cheater?

how do I trust a cheater

Answer #1

You cant. Youre only 14. Why are you putting yourself through all this senseless torment? Young relationships are all about learning. You will not be learning anything if you keep repeating chapters!

Why shouldn’t you stay with someone who cheats on you? If it happens once, it will happen again. Why? If you stay with someone who has cheated on you, you’ve essentially taught them that they can sleep with somebody else and you’ll take them back. Wow, that’s pretty great news for them! The first time someone cheats on you, they have the most to lose because they dont know what your reaction will be. But, once they’ve weathered the initial storm, they know precisely how you’ll react. By the time they’ve cheated on you twice, three times, thirty-eight times, they know exactly what to expect.

Even if you manage to get past the lies, and the heartache, a cloud will always hang over your relationship. You’ll never truly feel cherished, or completely loved. And you deserve better than that! Why torture yourself with feelings of self-doubt and insecurity? Tell that cheater to hit the road. Move on, and find someone who gives you the love and respect you deserve. You have the power here. People will only treat you as poorly (or as well) as you allow them to.

There’s no advice or magic wand to turn a cheater into a prince. Consider them a lost cause and move on. Once you set your standards back where they belong, you’ll be able to meet and maintain a relationship with the kind of person you truly want to be with.

Answer #2

you dont. never trust anyone. i had to learn that the hard way. even the people who were never supposed to let you down will, just trust yourself cause thats really all you got

Answer #3

‘’Alwaysandforever’’, don’t them never trust anyone!! I have people I’ve trusted for a VERY long time and they’ve NEVER let me down. Just because the people in YOUR life let YOU down, doesn’t mean everyone in the world is like that!!

And as for your question, ‘’sarah reva95’’, here is MY advice.

  1. If your partner IS cheating on you: Dump them.
  2. If you THINK that your partner is cheating on you: Ask them.
  3. If your partner has cheated on you before: Why did you take them back?
Answer #4

I agree with ranyo!

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