How do I raise my credit score?

My credit score went to crap. how do I fix it?

Answer #1

Save 5 thousand dollars and put it all on a secured credi card. never spend more then 20-30% of that credit.Dont pay off credit by getting more credit big no no, talk to the comapny you deal with arange payments you can afford if your income changes,always keep in contact and try to build a good repore with one person sometimes it helps when you have to let something clear or may be a day or two late without it being reported.this works with banks and loan officers mor then credit card companies. If your are a student or young adult and You must have a credit card only use it for bookings(flights,hotels ect) and to build your credit wait untill your atleast 25 befor you use it for anything other, credit takes along time to build back so be wise when your young. and last but most important never ever co-sign for anyone ever if you want to help that person teach them how to build their credit. thats real help

Answer #2

Pay bills on time. Use only a small % of your credit available as that’s one of the factors. Don’t apply for a bunch of credit all at once. Keep your credit cards open for a long time, don’t close them, and don’t keep a running balance. One of the factors is how long you’ve had your credit cards, on average, so if you can, keep the oldest of your credit cards open & potentially cancel some of the newer ones.

Also, when shopping, if you pay off your credit card or other right away, you’ll build up a better history with the company, and they’ll raise you limit, usually after 6-12 months. Having older cards with a limit that increases regularly also seriously improves your score. There are no quick fixes. For example, mine a few years ago was 520, which was terrible. It’s now 630, which is still very low, but it’s been rising steadily.

Last, if you review your credit report & find anything inaccruate, write the credit reporting agencies to get them to remove the negative, inaccurate info, as that’ll help your score rise in 30-90 days.

Answer #3

start with calling the companies you owe and trying to set up a payment plan. then try to get a credit card with chase or household bank or someone else and start off with a VERY LOW limit so you will not put yourself back in trouble next call trans union and have them remove everything that is closed accounts and accounts older then 7 years. make sure you try to pay down all of your balances to less then have of the limit if you have the money- this will really boost your credit score and try your best to not be late paying any of your bills pay them within 30 days.

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