How do I get my hipacritical mom to be ok with my life?

My mom HATES the idea of emo-crunk-rocker-rebelious look or whatever people call it these days, anyways ya she hates it and the music that inspires it(screamo, electro, crunkcore…atc). I LOVE it but she wont allow me to do anything but wear wannabeish clothes, which sucks for me.

I want to be able to dye my hair the color I want it to be, straightn my hair, and wear the clothes I want to wear…I need someones help on how to get my mom to be okay with it all. so please any help would be useful.Thanks

Answer #1

A lesson you should learn early in life, and it will spare you a lot of agony later on, is that you cant get or make anyone do or be anything. Once you come to accept this, your life will be so much easier. Your mother will approve of what she approves of and disapprove of what she disapproves of no matter what you do. So let it go. You like your music, so continue to like your music. It doesnt matter whether she likes it or not. Has she banned it from the house? No? Then be grateful and let it go. You’re trying to change her the way she’s trying to change you. Why should she be ok with the style? She doesnt like it. Honestly, it probably has nothing to do with the style, but whatever meaning she draws from the style. And I cannot possibly read her mind, but it’s probably along the lines of, I dont know what that culture is going to make my kid do. So she doesnt like it. That’s her issue. She allows you to wear the clothes. Be grateful for that. She could absolutely forbid it. She really has an issue with you straightening your hair? Any particular reason why? As for the dying your hair, well you live under her roof. If that is your biggest problem with your mother, be grateful, and wait till you’re an adult, living on your own, and dye your hair whatever color you want (of course, at that point you’ll realize that in the real world it is really hard to get a job when you dont look professional, but that’s ok, you can learn that in your own time).

Answer #2

LOL…I’m old…and can tell ya, that since the days of flappers (back in the 1920’s) parents have not approved of the music, the clothes, or the hair of the next generation (in my day, it was my wild hippie clothes and hair to to top of my butt)…and all that rock and roll. That means nothing has changed for 90 years, at least.

You will be out on your own faster than you think, and able to wear and be and do what you want…


Answer #3

Okay, I don’t think you know what the definition of hypocrite is… Anyways, the only thing you can really do is talk to her about it, she grew up in a different time and there were a lot less people then who dyed their hair and wore ‘strange’ clothes. Look at my display picture, what do you think my Mom said when she saw that? =P If all fails, you’re almost eighteen, you can move out and do as you please past that point.

Answer #4

Shes right just stop its ridiculous!!!

Answer #5

u and me both my parents are the same way but give her time she’ll lighten up and get used to it little by little like mine

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