How do I cope with my stepbrother's suicide?

My Step brother just committed suicide two days ago, I feel really guilty because I had feelings for him, I know its wrong, but its not like we were blood relations, Now I feel I had somethin to do with it

Answer #1

It’s not your fault. Everyone goes through that when someone they love passes away. Just tell yourself it wasn’t your fault. You will get over it eventually, well not completely but some. Enough to get on with your life. Dont do anything stupid, dont commit suicide just take some time for yourself.

hope I helped, xoxo :)

Answer #2

look man its ok he had some problems and he is in a better place now it was not your fault he killed himself he just felt that was the solution for everything… I know what it is like to want to kill yourself and I almost have a couple of times… he loved you its ok talk to me if you need to (aim) vanxhalenxrules

Answer #3

allow yourself the time to grieve. dont be so hard on yourself. you cant make anyone do anything. he may have had other issues. xx sorry for your loss

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