How do I break up with him?

So I have been with this guy for very close to 2 years. I love him, I do. But im only 18[almost] and I just know he is not right for me. I tried breaking up with him like a week ago, but I was going on a trip and he kept crying and begging. And im afraid he might try to hurt his self.

I dont want to be with him because he is manipulative and controlling. At first, it was like heaven with us. After like 2 months he started tripping.

I cant see my bestfriends unless I okay it with him. I couldnt wear makeup. No skirts or dresses. No low cut shirts. There is a lot, and im just sick of it. But I def. Do care about him… And I want to break it off very gently, and I dont want to see him anymore.

Im trying to grow up and be a woman, make something of myself…and I cant. He is 21 and still lives at home, with his mama. No job, no car. And there isnt anything wrong with that…except that he aint trying to do crap about it!

But please help! ♥

Answer #1

Oh I know where your comming from. I also don’t think you should be too cruel but you could always just break it off over the phone.

Answer #2

It’s not how you break it off is when and I say you should NOW. Right now you just described my last relationship I was also around your age when all this happened to me. Believe me no matter how sweet and nice you want to be about it he will be upset, cry, beg and threaten you. I luckily had an older brother who told me to just cut it off or he will go look for him (my ex). So then I did it fast and quick, of course he called and texted nonstop but I told him “if you want to kill yourself then go ahead I don’t care, and if you want to come near me you will find yourself in lots of trouble I told my friends and brother about this case so if anything ever happens to me guess who’s the first person they are going to locate”. He then told me he didn’t care and he was going to kill himself that night, now two years later I received an e-mail from him apologizing and wanting to be friends but of course I ignored it because I’m not getting myself into that again. So yea from experience I say you get out of the relationship before he turns more violent and it’s too late. Hope I helped, and goodluck :)

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