how do I get a good girlfriend?

How do I get a good girlfriend

Answer #1

right here!! no, just kidding. first, don’t be shallow; that’s the biggest mistake guys make. second, get to know her (interests, hobbies, etc). third, well, just DON’T toy with her heart, and be sure to support her thru the bad and laugh during the good. basically, the more kind and considerate you are to her, the better your chances are of winning her love.

Answer #2

you can’t just get one right away.

well usually for me, I get to be realy good friends with a guy. and then know em for a long time. I’ve known this one guy for 3 years and he asked me out but I said it wud be better if we were just friends and he said ok…so yah you have to really get to know a person:)

Answer #3

well, what do you mean by good girlfriend.?? cause there’s a lot of good girl out there, ya know. but it takes time… an like aznsk8er said, get to be friends with a girl an if you think she’s the kinda girl you want to be with then go for it…

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