How did you feel when my Michael died?

like how did you react were you like : yeah right (like me), hes just in a coma from the drugs he’ll be okay, or no way he was just fine yesterday. oMG hes always just been there he cant go now.. Why Michael he didnt deserve this.. Be honest and describe how you felt about him before

Answer #1

why cant we atart all over T___T, this was too sudden and I just want things to go back, p.s. ever since michael died it seems celebritys are dropping like flies.

Answer #2




thats what happened when I found out my micheal had died

R.I.P (rest in pieces) Mr.tible AKA micheal

poor cat was caught in the office shredder…

Answer #3

yes ii was shocked and kinda sad. I’m not trying to be mean but I really didnt care much I love his music though!!!

Answer #4

sob? Are you calling me names?

…and no, that’s not better - he’s nobody’s Michael Jackson…

Answer #5

I was going to his concert I had read all the books about him and I loved his music I wasnt born when he was really big but I was a fan when he died I was so upset I was in lanzarote and read about him for the rest ov the time I was there :( but when they kept on and on about him in the news paper I was like leave him alone hes dead for god sakes

R.I.Pmichael x:(

Answer #6

sob “ I mean your michael jackson is that better

Answer #7

I have never listened to his songs before he died …but after his death I cried for him too much and I felt sorry for his childern

Answer #8

Didn’t like MJ as a person but I liked his music. When he died I was shocked yes, but didn’t really matter that much. After hearing about it for more than 1 day I was like well Ferrah Facet died too why doesn’t she get as much TV publicity? I mean come on now! Then to top it off Patrick Suaze dies too! I’m sure I spelled his last name wrong but no matter, you get the idea.

Answer #9

Personally, I always thought he was a talented individual who was widely misunderstood.

I’m just wondering, though, what makes him ‘your’ Michael?

~How did you feel when my michael died?~

Answer #10

why cant we start all over T___T

Answer #11

I was like ‘Really?!?’ I thought my brother was lying when he told me but ovbs not.. x

Answer #12

one less wierdo/child molester off the streets. sooo egh

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