How can we get around this??

I recently discovered my boyfriend’s dad was racist and his dad says that they are going to have a long talk about me and my being half black and half white(he is white) and his dad said if he hears anything about me and my boyfriend even so much hugging he will sign him over to a family I feel he should get emancipated but he wont. What can we do so we can stay together???

Answer #1

I think its hard because even though you and your boyfriend both know that his father is wrong about the way he thinks about biracial dating hes clearly set in his ways, he was obviously raised to hate different cultures and unfortunatly many older people are like this, thankfully in the generations born in the last 20-30 years are more open to all of this, its more accepted. I think your boyfriends father is set in his ways and it may be that he just doesnt know any better, maybe you guys could all have a serious sit down talk about it and discuss the pros & cons about you guys dating, maybe if you can talk to him more and discuss it he might come around, explain to him that you love his son and why and let your boyfriend explain why he loves you , despite which ever colour you are because when you look at one another you dont see black or white but a kind loving person. Just remember though , even if you do love one another you may have to walk away for whats best for your boyfriend, the father is wrong on his views yes but if he was to walk away that would more then likely be it and you dont want to be the cause of your boyfriend loosing his family. Good luck

Answer #2

stay together. you said it yourself. if you truley love each other, stay together. his dad is going to have to deal with it. either by having a sit down talk with his son, or by having no other options, he is going to have to accept it. if it gets to the point where he kicks him out, then it will bring a lot of REALLY bad publicity to him. so he is going to have to accept it one way or another. just as a precation so that he doesnt get really upset, try to stay away from him. and if you are in his presence, do not be nearly as addectionate with your boyfriend as you normally would. I really feel bad for you. things will get better!

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