How can it possible to make my skin fair and glow?

actually I have very dark and acne scars skin how it possible to make it fair & glow

Answer #1

most whiteing salon treatments harm your skin , id stick to drinking water and scribbing your face with sea salt and cleansing it in oliv oil and ,mostirizing

above for the natraul glow pales more toned face to remove acne scars you can get natrual treatments or medication but research whats in the product before aply to the skin

hope this helped x

Answer #2

You can’t change dark skin to suddenly become fair. There are ‘whitening’ treatments & products available but they are expensive and don’t work that well. Try microdermabrasion at a beauty salon - it disolves the very top layer and is supposed to make your skin very very smooth, but again its expensive. You can buy serums that are specifically designed to treat acne scarring - they are available at the chemist.

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