How can I tell him how I feel?

I’m in love with this boy and I know he likes me too. Problem is we’re good friends and he’s in a relationship. He tells me he really doesn’t like the girl and that he is only dere with her bcaz she is easy. I really want to tell him I’m in love with him but I dont know how. How can I tell him how I feel?

Answer #1

Did you not get what he said? Hes with the other girl because shes easy! That right there should tell you what kind of guy he is! Why would you still want someone like that? Hes a dog, If hes only with her because she puts out. I guess if your that desperate for a guy, dont expect him to treat you any better!

Answer #2

well, to start answering ur question, first i would like to say that u should be able to talk to this fren of yours about anything and everything by telling him how u fell about the situation about sleeping around with girls and even girls that are easy to get.the second thing i would like to say is that since you all are so close and care for eachother that bad and yall is willling to be together you should tell him your true feelings just l;ike how u would tell him about some other person that you like and if he agreees that he feekls the same way and to go dere with you theres one thing that u all should promose eachother that if u all was to brake up that yall would still be the best of frens.And theres on thing more if u are dere dont try to ack different ror try to be someone your shore he would like you just the way you are.hope everything wrks out.

                                          chandra aka channy
Answer #3

are you sure your in love with someone that treats girls like that..?

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