How can I start to write again?

I’m 13 years old and I’ve written 10 books. I’m working on my 11th book. I know what I’m going to write down I just can’t bring myself to start writing. Do you know any tips that will help me start writing again.

Answer #1

Here’s some info:

I wish you every success…if this is truely what you want to do in life, NEVER give up !!

Answer #2

Creative blocks happen to writers (and artists, composers, poets, etc) all the time.

Different people have different ways of getting past this. Some people take an extended break. Doing something else for a while can allow you to come back to writing refreshed and eager to write. You might read or reread a book by your favorite author; this may inspire you to write. You might try writing something less ambitious than a book. Write a short story, poem, obituary, thank-you note etc. Some people force themselves to write by saying to themselves, “I will write a chapter today, I don’t care if it is good or not but I won’t quit until the chapter is done; I can fix or rewrite it later if I need to.” Sometimes putting pressure on yourself is all it takes.

Just remember that you aren’t alone in your writer’s block. Every writer periodically goes through it. Everyone gets stuck once in a while.

Answer #3

I am currently a writing a book after some time off. I actually didn’t plan to write anything, it just came to me. What I’m saying is relax, go about your daily activities and it will come to you. Just keep a new pad and pen next to your bed. I usually get my flow at night when the world is its qmost peaceful and I can hear from God.

Good Luck!

Answer #4

My advice, as a college English major and author of several plays, several published poems and short stories, is to write something else first.

Journal. Write something every day. Write about simple things. The grass growing. Write about crazy things. Smelly things. Tasty things.

I find it easier to concentrate on a long work if I take 10-15 minutes to write complete nonsense before I begin.

And wouldn’t you know, I love my nonsense better than anything else?


Good luck with your writing pursuit.

Answer #5

I cant bring myself to start one book. I dont even have an outline just a jumbled collection of ideas

Answer #6

Wow good job may your passion always be known…writting comes form the heart and that is always the best place to start.

Answer #7

Just find a quiet time, maby at night or when ever and sit down and wright what comes to you. Stay focused, you can do it!

Answer #8

its ok. i havent even finished 1!!

Answer #9

Wow good job may your passion always be known…writting comes form the heart and that is always the best place to start.

Answer #10

i don’t know if this would work but how about listening to different kinds of music? or draw a little sketch of a dog for example and write words that describe it, example:cute, funny,smart,etc. or maybe something that happened to you like one day you went to the park and met a girl whose features weren’t normal like purple hair and golden eyes?

Answer #11

sounds like you have a case of writer’s block. I got this a while back because I didn’t know how to open up the sequel to the book I had finished. it took some time, but just keep thinking of creative ways on how to open the book (the opening paragraph should ALWAYS catch the reader’s attention). writing for me as gotten much easier since I took a creative writing class last year in school. if you need any tips on how to get it started, or anything else, just let me know. PS. most of my ideas come to me when I’m slepping. if you notice a good idea that comes to you when you are sleeping, write it down quick. it may be worth saving.

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