How can I get rid of facial hair permenantly?

I have facial hair. I’m a 16 yr. old female it’s ver embarrassing…I shave it…is there anyway to get rid of it permanantly so I dn’t have to shave anymore? I hate the prickly feeling shaving leaves…I have to shave it every day. I was told vaniqa can slow the growth of the hair so I do’t have to shave as often, but Iwantto know is there anything that will prevent the hair from growing at all instead of just slowing it down…with vaniqa I would still have to shave it…please help…

Answer #1

oh wow…thanks everyone for the advice…mikeh…that makes sense, before I shaved it it was really long and noticable, but it felt the same as if I let it grow out now. I just hate the feeling of stubble I get after shaving…I don’t want to thread, that hurts really bad, so does waxing and plucking…

Answer #2

Electrolysis is the only way to remove it permanently…it takes quite a bit of time, as they can only remove a certain amount of hair at one sitting.


Answer #3

some bleach stuff worls ( sorry I dont know the name) try asking at a beauty salon they’ll know hope this helps :D xxx

Answer #4

but then why when I shave it and it grows back out do I have two hairs growing out of one pore…???

Answer #5

That must be really hard. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it, but there is a treatment called lazer hair removal. It’s very expensive, but the results last for up to 20 years. If that isn’t an option for you, try waxing, shaving is very bad for the hair, it makes it grow back even darker and thicker, but since you’ve already started doing it, I would advice waxing at the least.

Also you can try getting some blonde hair dye to dye the hairs on your face to make them less noticable.

Good luck

Answer #6

DONT SHAVE!! When you shave your facial hair, or and e hair for that matter, it comes back thicker and coarser, (of course I do shave my legs and stuff and continue to prevent looking wierd) but you shouldn’t ever shave your face because on a girl it looks really bad when hair comes because it’s much more noticeable. Get on line and search some bleach products, or something. Theres this product im sorry to say I dont know the name but I’t s like a liquid and you brush it lightly over the area and it takes it away. My best friend used it years ago because she had a stash growing, poor girl. But yeah search online and dont shave your face

Answer #7

For the record the ‘’if you shave it, it will grow back thicker and darker’’ line is a complete urban myth. It’s 100% untrue. Shaving does nothing to the coarseness of hair, any more than cutting the top off a blade of grass results in thicker grass.

Hair is dead tissue, and so clipping the end has NO effect on the follicle beneath the skin. The myth is connected to the fact that when men and women begin shaving during puberty, hair growth has not yet reached adult levels. But if you didn’t shave your entire life, the hair would end up just as thick and coarse as if you shaved every day. It’s pure coincidence.

Answer #8

Do not shavee!! I wouldd pluck!

Answer #9

Try threading.

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