how can I get my hair to grow?

what products/vitamins can I use to make my hair grow faster?

I have very thick,biracial (black & white) hair and it gets drys easily,its like my hair sucks up any moisture I add in it

Answer #1

avoiding split ends. trimming every 2-3 months id say. drink multi-vitamins. eat thinks like eggs and fish. Protein and vitamins. Try not too add heat to it. and if you do use heat protectors. and dont add oils to it…It just burns it more when you go out to the sun. if you do use it at night and then wash it off in the morning. Wash hair everyother day…because then you wash all those natural oils your hair needs. Head and Shoulders is good. =] Starts from the scalp.

Answer #2

vitamins D & E help :)

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