How can I get a girlfriend

Im 17 and I need a girl. I never had on before… And I never kiss a girl :( I REALLLY NEED ADVICE PLZZZ!!! WATS WRONG WIT ME

Answer #1

Being fourteen and doing sexual actions is NOT something to be proud of. No one respects an openly-sexual girl, unless the guys getting head. Sorry. But yeah, It’s fine if you’ve never kissed a girl yet, virtue is…somewhat attractive, at least, in my opinion. I wouldn’t worry about it, if I were you; just wait for the right woman.

Answer #2

lawl . im 14 and I’ve made out and everything. your a failll come sex me up

Answer #3

There is nothing wrong with you. I know a lot of people that hasn’t been kissed or had a boyfirend/girlfriend. Just be friends with a lot of girls and be yourself. I don’t really know you so I can’t give you personal advice. If you would like you can fun mail me so I can get to know you better and so I can give you the proper advice. I have hooked up a lot of my friends that have been going out with the same person for a very long time. I can give you a lot of advice. I give my friends advice about boys all the time and even given boys advice about girls.

Answer #4

dude relax there is nothing wrong with you I was 19 before I even had my first kiss. you’ll eventually find the right person for you. just next time your talking to a girl you like just be yourself and hopefully she will like you for who you are

Answer #5

That is so not bad at all, like brighteyes234 said its attractive to her, and guess what. Its attractive to me aswell. Dont worry about it trust me, if you are religious im sure its just because God is saving someone extra special for you and while everyone else out there is being used and having sex at 14 like little miss lilbunnyfoofooexpert21 over there is you are just waiting for that one special girl! Dont pout about it just chill until you find her, in the mean time be a little flirty with the girl you like only! not a bunch girls dont like that. ;) If she flirts back then go for it remember the worst that could happen is a no and if that happens shake it off! message me if you need anything else about this and to tell me how things go :)

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