how can I

how can I get thin legs. and a thin stomach. im not looking to tone them. I dont want muscle. I want thin legs that look like they’ll snap under my weight haha I dont want muscle I just want thin same goes with my stomach…should I just diet? oh and my but is big which doesnt allow me to wear a lot of jeans or skits or shorts cause they are tight and look bad

Answer #1

you WANT them to look like theyll break under your own weight? that is horrible, and sad you really do need a bit of help and need to learn more about your human body there are people who would be happy to trade there legs for yours having weak legs would be stupid youd be extreemly weak, couldnt walk very much, would get exausted after a bit, couldnt do ANY sports or anything that requires physical activiy/exerscise youd probably be confined to a bed most of the time because you couldnt handle walking youd be just as misreable as someone who was bed riden with an eating disorder or someone with a disease you would NOT be happy you would be weak and wasting your life

Answer #2

Okay your first question I could stand. This one is just stupid.

Answer: YOU DON’T. Why would you want to look like an unattractive nasty stick? HEALTHY is the sexiest. Not malnourished and child-like.

P.S. The men don’t mind your butt - show it off in skirts that flow out at the bottom but hug your butt. Show it off in jeans. Show it off. Enjoy it.

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