how can I move out at 13 ??

how can I move out at 13 ??

Answer #1

u could runaway and go to a hostel lol but seriously dont I knwo it sucks a lot I am 15 and feel the same my parents treat me as a slave not a child and blame me for their marriage issues and im seen as the worst child out of 4 but I know im not financially ready so I got to wait and at 18 I will move out and live in university dorms XD

Answer #2

you deffn dont need to do that…unless your parents are like abusing you or something. you cant even get a job at 13. just wait till your older or get help from other family.

Answer #3

life isnt a piece of cake once you get on your own, my kids say that too , that they cant wait to be on their own and do what they want, well, when you get on your own most of the time you cant afford to do what you want and you dont have the time to, (after holding down a job and paying bills) there are so many other responsibilities as well, just enjoy being a kid and be as carefree as you can…your time will come and you will be able to move out and then you will be wondering where the time went ..hind site truly is 20/20!!

Answer #4

why would you want to

Answer #5

you can’t. you have to at least be old enough to hold a job, and prove to the court you can live on your own.

Answer #6

lmfao I wanna move out of my parent’s house to dude it’s hell here you can’t go out with friend’s when you wanna,you have a curfew when you don’t wanna return home you can’t have friend’s over when your’e in trouble you get things taken away from you haha the list can go on and on D: but I learn to live with it you know? it’s kinda like a love hate relationship like I wanna move out cause thing’s dont go the way I want them to go or I like living at home with my old man and mom cause I don’t have to pay any money lol (: but seriously you can’t move out when you’r 13 you gotta be fanatically stable to hold down a house and I don’t think any 13 year old kid can do that when they have rent and other bills to pay:0 trust me I’m 15 and I can’t keep a single dollor to my name:/ that’s when I realize I can wait to move out(:

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