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Why are my homemade chocolate chip cookies turning out burned and as flat as paper?
You could be missing an ingredient, are you adding baking soda?
because my boyfriends birthday is tomorrow so i wanted to make him cookies. :/
yes i am, i added every ingredient the recipe called for but nothing came out right?
Are you using melted or softened butter? That makes a difference in cookie recipes.
i put the butter in the microwave for a little bit so it wasn’t as hard as it was before it went in?
They’re thin and flat because you’re shaping them that way. I dont know how else to fix that problem besides, not causing it.
Awh, that’s cute. ♥
oh i sapose thats a good and cute reason
Try a different recepie. Sometimes certain recepies just dont turn out how you want them to.
maybe the temperature is too high
Make the dough thicker, less runny and check up on them every few minuets until you get a good amount of time to cook them.
Three things can cause flat cookies: not enough flour, butter too soft, dough not chilled. Based on what you have already stated, I’m guessing you aren’t putting the dough in the fridge for an hour before baking. As for the burning, that’s easily fixed by double-panning - by using two baking sheets, the bottom sheet is absorbing the heat directly from the oven and transferring it to the cookie sheet, thereby, preventing burned cookies.
Clearly, I have no idea what the hell im talking about. Oh, well. Happy Birthday to him, I hope he likes or liked his cookies. :D
i didnt put the dough in the fridge, thanks for the help! :)
he did end up liking them :)
yeahh :)
okayy thanks for the advice :)
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