Hobknocker what is that?

Ok if you’ve ever seen icarly theres an episode that they get called a hobknocker what is that?

Answer #1

oh god I just looked it up it really is gross.

go here if you still don’t know what it means: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hobknocking

Answer #2

umnmmm, wow. they have to had look that up and they had to have known what it meant otherwise I dont think they would be saying it on iCarly… I mean, you cant just make something like that up and have it just be a really weird coincidence that it has a gross definition…eww

Answer #3

If you check the Urban dictionary, you get some results that really make you wonder why it would be on iCarly:


Answer #4

I wonder that to,I hit up Dictionary’s website nothing came up. If that Wade guy is a real actor and meant those words,he is in for a big surprise for us Americans.

Answer #5

oh wow…I read the urban dictionary thing…WOW

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