What is the worst thing about the first day of highschool?

What is the worst thing about the first day of highschool?

Answer #1

If youre going to a new school is like not knowing anyone and having to make new friends. I go to an english school so its a different system- its the same school, all connected. you dont have to move so you know the school and you know everyone =)

Answer #2

I gotta say that getting lost is the number one thing in anyone’s list. Dayumm, I’m a senior, and already I’ve been lost every single year the first day of school. Its awful. But then you get used to it. So you don’t feel like a mojor dork. Hopefully this year I will know where all my classes are at. Lol.

Answer #3

Getting lost :)

Answer #4

lost and if your a freshman-its a fun year its just annoying being the smaaalllest in the school . we always got picked last in stuff and ha it was funny but not bad

but high schools funn [so far] lol

Answer #5

the worst thing is deffinately getting lost. It took me a week before I kinda knew my way around. And if you’ve ever heard of “freshman friday” it doesn’t exist. it is pretty intimidating when you think about it but you’ll get used to it. be warned: there is more of a workload being high school. I hope you fit in a lot better then I do. I’m a senior and still don’t :( but I’m sure you will. hope this helps :)

Answer #6

getting lost.. btw.. freshman year and junior year are the most important years.. DO NOT SLACK OFF. it will ruin you. I did..I missed 92 days of 180.. my gpa right now is. .808…not even to a 1..and im reallly smart. I just dont apply myself… I promise..youll think just because your a freshman then youll get away with not turning stuff in or being late…you dont. lol. so dont try it=]

Answer #7

getting lost,but its better if you have a older sister or brother to show you around,I did!

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