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I want to get carmel highlights and my mother wont let my dad,grandmother… will ,but she wont. =-( …
What can I do 2 convince her 2 et me get them??
If its just highlights its not that big of a deal, maybe show some pics of people with what you are wanting. Nothing is permanent anyway… hair grows! I mean your not wanting to color your whole head right?
ask if you two can compromise on a temporary color and then if she likes the end resut maybe she will let you do it semi permanently. She probably is against the permanent bc once you start dying it you kinda have to keep it up and it can get pricey.
try to show her that it wont be much the change..maybe shes afraid that the change is going to b dramatic..thats how my madre is..keep insisting..
Ask her if you can get the shampoo out kind first to see how it works. If it looks bad, don’t worry because it’ll wash out.
well make sure YOU want them 1st… once your hair starts to grow your highlights will move with it and your roots will start to show then you will have to do it again and again. unless you die your hair the normal color after that to cover the old highlights up. kmom25’s idea is good too. try the temp. highlights first and see if you like them insted of going the permenant way and waiting for it to fade. which could be a long time like 2 years or so
tell her that your dad said you can. but if you have dark brown hair carmal might be a little much.
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