How can I lose mad weight?

How can I lose mad weight? Real Fast? Im already ana. But i keep gaining weight

Answer #1

cuz your starving and your body will keep whatever it has to survive its called “starvation mode” i reccomend you to eat 6 small meals a day and EXCERSIZE ALOT! even if you walk everyday thats still a good step. i run everyday for 15 mins and i do 50 pushups and 200 crunches nd plus every wed i do pilates and i reccomend pilates! there great

Answer #2

Do you know why gain weight? Because your body is smart - it catches on with the program. When you starve yourself, it slows down its metabolism to conserve energy. When you start eating again, your body hasn’t adjusted back and now stores fat even faster than before - hence the weight gain. This is why diets don’t work. This is why starving yourself doesn’t work. The best way to lose weight, as any sane person would tell you, is by eating healthily and exercising. This is the one method that actually works, and people strangely never listen to it.

Answer #3

E A T A C A K E !!!

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