do I not deserve at least to talk about it with him?

hey thanks for your advice… you answered my question earlier but I forgot to mention we havent discussed what happened. Its leaving me a bit insecure that he doesnt wanna talk about it and dismisses it. I am happy we’ve gotten closer and he has hinted that he wants to make it up to me…he said “he didnt deserve me, saying he kept changing his mind again and again ,messing with both our heads and everytime I took him back”…I dismissed it and said “yeah because I loved him”…but do I not deserve at least to talk about it with him? Its still bugging me. But I dont wanna upset the way we are right now but still… Please help

Answer #1

It sounds like he’s trying to put it behind him and you keep bringing it back up. I’m sure it’s a sore memory for him and he’d just rather try and forget it ever happened.

You can’t move forward in your relationship if you carry the baggage from the past. All you’re going to end up doing is causing more baggage and the relationship may never recover.

I know it’s difficult for you, when all you want to do is try and find answers, but the answers are already in front of you…you have to learn how to accept what is and stop focusing on what was.

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