help with finding a topic about the Enviroment

Ugh I need help with finding a topic about the Enviroment that I could do a little speech on

I just can’t think of anything… can anybody help?

Answer #1

Global warming poverty war pollution

Answer #2

do something on climate change.

Answer #3

You could try making a criticism on the way private companies don’t spend enough resources on environment protection, unless they are forced by some organization. Sadly there isn’t enough of these organizations in the world.

Answer #4

You could focus on businesses maybe. Whether they are actually behaving in an environmentally responsible way in reality, or whether it’s just clever marketing aka ‘greenwash’

Answer #5

you could do something about pollution! I think that that’d be easiest to talk about–especially since you probably know SOMETHING about it. =]

Answer #6

Try something about DDT and how the banning of DDT has allowed the Bald Eagle to make a dramatic recovery.

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